Okay the fun continues..... Kathy Jackson and I headed down to Ybor City to get some photos for the upcoming web site Cigar City CBG's and check out the Farmers market... Had a great time making new friends and doing our little part for the economy.. If you are in the market for some realy great fashion or decorating accessories you need to check out our new friend Barbara's great stuff..... bien50.com
It's a mail box, no wait it's a bread box.... no it's a trash can....
next I had a chance to meet and speak with a Grand Master Cigar Maker. Wallace Reyes
So what does all of this have to do with building guitars? I have developed a strong interest in Cigar Box Guitars. These little works of art have significant historical importance, they are fun to build, more fun to play and within the reach of anyone that wants to play a guitar...It is much easier to keep track of there strings than six. They are like a Dulcimer except these have a cool factor... I mean come on Jimi Hendrix started playing on one of these and Buddy Guy stole some of his mom's screen wire to make a stick and can into his first guitar. So I am in the mind to start making some of these and selling them... Last point on the subject building CBG's is also allowing me to get my fretting and set up techniques down.... I'll keep you posted on the new web site and upcoming events to promote the sales of my CBG's. Here is a shot of No 6 it's just about ready to harvest.... As one of my gutiar nation friends says "it's almost right for the picking"....
Sorry I had to share that one...
Had a great time! Loved meeting the new people, especially Barbara - her paintings were so eclectic and fun! I'm excited to see your CBGs and amps at one of the upcoming markets. You do great work - now get to work...so you can play!
Nice! Thanks for the big fat plug, too. Now give yourself a thrill and go to www.playingforchange.com. The "Stand by Me" session reminds me of your CigarBoxGuitar.
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