Someone who has traveled before me wrote "that building the first guitar is really about learning what not to do". Well, I find myself there one more time - I strayed into the land of over-sized and lost track of the fact that the 14th fret lines up at the body joint. Version 1.0 would join the body somewhere around the 16th fret.....
(There is a lesson in grafting a headstock in my future). I gained valuable experience in layout, glue up, (preparing the blank) and carving the neck. While I am not done, I am more confident with what is ahead and I'm looking forward to this version 2.0 working out fine. The original version was a walnut and black fiber 5 piece laminate. This neck is a mahogany, walnut and maple 5 ply-lam. With mahogany as the main wood. When it's done I'll have to see how well it matches the guitar to see if it makes it on this guitar.....
I also have settled on the headstock design and have the half template made. I need to get some material to make the full template so that I can route the headstock. I also need to decide on the lamination for the headstock and if I want to try something cool with the back of the headstock...